Monday, January 12, 2009

Noah is ready!

Merry Christmas!

Noah and his cousins Dylan, Aubrey, James, Lorelei, and Alaina at Thanksgiving

A few hours offroading makes these boys quite happy!

Noah is practicing for the baby ( I can't get the photo to load....), I think he is ready. Lately his night time kiss for the baby has an added shout of, "Come out!" which is screamed about an inch from my belly. I'm not sure if that will speed things up or encourage the baby to stay put. =)

Well, this is a mess, I can't get things in order, and can't get more pictures to upload. I remember why I don't keep this current. =( Anyhow, Noah is doing great. He seems excited for the baby to be coming, although he sometimes looks at me strange, as if he is wondering how the kid is supposed to get out! Not sure I want to know what is going through his head. =) He is finally starting to really talk, use sentences, and listen to and repeat everything he hears. Today we were checking out at the grocery store and he heard a mom tell her little girl, "Abby, come here, no candy today." The little girl didn't move, and without skipping a beat, Noah started yelling, "Abby, Mommy said...." I couldn't believe it, but the other mom apparently thought it was hilarious, too.

Noah had an overabundant Christmas season, and now has enough toys to last him until he is at least seven. We did some reorganizing to try to store things but still keep them accessible, and he is pretty good at helping put things away when he wants to get something else out. His greatest pleasure seems to be "helping" whether in the kitchen or in the garage. (I hope this extends to diapers....) He loves to help cook dinner, do laundry, work on the Jeep, or really anything we are doing. He knows to look for tools or batteries if something doesn't work. And then he will proceed to try to fix it himself.

Little brother or sister seems to be growing well, and staying comfortable.... Last week they said that my belly had gotten smaller and I had lost weight, so they wanted an ultrasound to check on things. I resisted a bit, having been through this with Noah. The most we ever found with him was some low levels of amniotic fluid, nothing dangerous. As we all know, he was big and healthy, just in his own time. My feeling this time was that not only am I getting huge, but I can tell the baby is getting bigger, I really didn't want to go down the road that leads to lots of unnecessary interventions. So they gave me a week, and sure enough the midwife today was fine with things. She offered me an ultrasound to "ease my mind", which I laughed at a little bit. I told her I was fine. We have deferred any other "exams" at this point also, due to the fact that they really mean nothing. I could be 1 cm and have this baby tonight, I could be 4 cm and the baby could wait anther 2 1/2 weeks. She agreed 100% with me, so we will just wait and see what happens. I am hoping soon, the heartburn this time is quite unpleasant, and my hips and legs are pretty sore. But I can't complain too much, I'm able to keep working and pretty much do normal things, even sleep through the night most nights! Baby is very active, although it feels like there can't be much room in there. Five days until our due date!

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